Whistleblowing Portal
Whistleblowing Statement

The Bank of Industry (BOl) Limited is committed to the highest possible standards of openness, probity and accountability. In line with this commitment, the Bank expects employees and all stakeholders who express serious concerns, about any aspect of the Bank’s activities, to come forward and voice those concerns. It is understood that all cases will have to be treated on a confidential basis.
Bank of Industry (BOl) Limited expects the highest level of ethical behaviour and professional conduct from its employees, officers, directors and all stakeholders with whom they deal. This responsibility confers the obligation on all stakeholders to expose acts and omissions which could be detrimental to the interest of all stakeholders in the Bank collectively or individually. This will enable the Bank to investigate and address the same appropriately. This obligation is on all, by all and through all.
The Bank’s Whistleblowing Policy and Procedures, therefore, aim to encourage a culture of honesty, patriotism and loyalty to the Bank, whilst strengthening its corporate governance, customer service, risk management architecture and value for all stakeholders.
The Bank recognizes the need to protect whistleblowers and complainants and has taken all reasonable steps to protect their identity. The Bank also appreciates the importance of utmost confidentiality in these situations and has developed various anonymous channels (hotline, email address and mailbox) for reporting unethical behaviour. The existence of such facilities is a deterrent in itself and a strong reminder to employees and stakeholders of the Bank’s commitment to fight misconduct, corruption and fraud.
Therefore, any person desirous of reporting unethical behaviour may do so through any of the following channels:
Send an email to whistleblowing@boi.ng
Make a report using the online Whistleblowing Reporting Form/Portal provided on the BOI’s website (www.boi.ng).
Call our dedicated whistle-blowing Hotline: 08034171505.
Send mail through P.O. Box 2357, Lagos.
Whistle Blowing Policy
Please Click the Link Below to see the Bank’s Whistleblowing Policy
Whistleblowing Hotline Number